Hack Green (not so) Secret Nuclear Bunker
March 2022

Today on Jon's weekend outing... a visit to a former government-owned nuclear bunker located at Hack Green, Cheshire, England.
The bunker was involved in radar research during WWII and was also used in The Cold War to prepare to protect Britain against the Soviet Threat. But it's worth nothing they were equally prepared to protect themselves against us.

A key part of Britain's preparedness for nuclear war was the Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (B.M.EW.S.). The ultra-secret system was designed to detect a missile attack on the U.K. The equipment here was located deep underground at the U.K. Primary War H.Q. at R.A.F. High Wycombe. The main B.M.E.W.S. warning display indicates the missile information prior to and during a nuclear strike. The central display indicates the communications state. The alert board indicates the alert status at the various N.A.T.O. Commands. Using the large map of the U.K. military commanders could monitor the status and disposition of radar and aircraft intercept defences. B.M.EW.S. is still operational and secret. Please read the information boards for a full explanation using declassified information of N.A.T.O.'s Primary Nuclear Missile Warning System.

Room after room of radar, radio and coms equipment...

Radar Valves

Telephone exchange

and a warhead to finish...