Moo cows
Saturday 20th May 2023
I was once on a train sat opposite a bloke staring out of the window. As we sped through the Cheshire countryside on the way back to Crewe we cut through many-a-field filled with cows. He then says out loud to himself "moo cows..." quite audibly for the rest of the carriage to hear. Horrified at himself, he hurriedly returned to his laptop.
And so ever since, they're been always known in our house as moo cows!

I stopped at sunset on the Congleton road back from Manchester on this lovely spring evening and said hello to these lovely ladies. They really are like field dogs! Very inquisitive of me and the camera and looking for a good head scritch!

Look at that snoot

Looking over into the ground of Capesthorne Hall

Travelling further on down the road I also stopped by a field I've been meaning to stop at for quite a while. I don't quite know what's growing put spring has just started to will the crops up.
53°14'38.682" N 2°14'6.492" W

4 image stack using the 70-200mm @ 200mm (4 x f/13, 1/25s, ISO64)

It's a bit difficult to tell because of the perspective, but these plants are only ~5cm tall. 4 image stack using the 14-24mm f/4 @ 14mm. 4x f/11, 1/13s, ISO 64.
The End