TWinkle Twinkle
I've always wanted to try and capture some stars. The first time I had a go at this was on Christmas morning 2020 at 2am without reading how to do it! That photo didn't turn out the greatest but here are two taken in the Lovell Quinta Arboretum and Nature Reserve in Swettenham on a freezing cold night in January.
A little eery walking through the woods in the dead of night.
I used a 24mm prime lens for these to get as much light into the camera as possible. This first image is only a 20 second exposure to keep the stars nice and sharp. This follows the so called '500 rule' whereby the maximum exposure time should be kept within 500 / (lens focal length).
20s, f/1.8, ISO 160

The second shot was a long 8.5 minute exposure to capture the star trails.
505s, f/4.0, ISO 64

And here are a few other shots I grabbed.