Mow Cop Castle, Churches & more
More stuff from early March 2021.

Nothing says spring like a lovely bunch of daffodils from the garden. Bring on the warmer weather!
I recently went to the effort of installing a mains-powered lighting system in the garden. Its degree of waterproofing has been thoroughly tested in the storms of the last few days!

Next up we've got a few from a Church I discovered between Holmes Chapel and Sandbach.

Mow Cop Castle
Mow Cop is a significant site in the Primitive Methodist movement. It was here that High Bourne, one of the co-founders of Primitive Methodism, first organised an outdoor camp meeting on the 31st of May 1807.
Bourne and his fellows called themselves the Camp Meeting Methodists until they joined with William Clowes and his follows, when they became the Primitive Methodist Connexion in 1811.
Bourne and his fellows called themselves the Camp Meeting Methodists until they joined with William Clowes and his follows, when they became the Primitive Methodist Connexion in 1811.

Some angry skies came in to ruin the lovely blue sky from only 5 minutes earlier. Got rather wet!

On the way home I stumbled across a path leading onto the Macclesfield canal.

I shall name him Keith

and also popped in to St Mary's at Astbury

Having lived in a city for a while, it's refreshing to see stained glass without protective shields on.